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chor. G. Brożek, muz. K. Lipiński, N. Paganini


The most beautiful fairy tale of the Grimm Brothers in a ballet version
Kopciuszek głowne

chor. G. Brożek, muz. K. Lipiński, N. Paganini


The premiere

31 / 05 / 2025

A dance version of the most famous fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers with Grzegorz Brożek choreography and performed by the Ballet of the Opera at the Castle.

Timeless and familiar tale of Cinderella, the cruel stepmother and the spiteful sisters will be told by dance and multimedia projection with the music of the Classicism and early Romanticism period composed by Karol Lipiński and Niccolò Paganini. 
The performance is aimed at both young and adult audiences. We will find in it a moral, humor and the beauty of dance.

"Even miracles can take time "
Fairy Godmother


Proj. plakatu Bartosz Madej

About the show

Karol Józef Lipiński (1790-1861), Niccolò Paganini (1782-1840)
Ballet based on the Grimm Brothers fairy tale and with Grzegorz Brożek choreography
Premiere: 31 May 2025, Opera at the Castle in Szczecin

Theatre staff
Choreogrphy Grzegorz Brożek
Scenography and costume design Zuzanna Markiewicz