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George Gershwin i Ira Gershwin

Crazy for You

A crazy music comedy of Gershwins
2 hours, 40 minutes (including one intermission)
Main hall
Ticket price

50-140 zł

George Gershwin i Ira Gershwin

Crazy for You

The premiere

03 / 03 / 2017

The greatest classics of the genre. A musical which refers to the best traditions of "The golden era of Broadway" of the 20s and the 30s. An interesting plot, humorous dialogues and a lot of the most beautiful music of George Gershwin, they are a recipe for a hit which has charmed so many viewers all around the world.

The story of love of a rich boy from New York, or rather a son of a wealthy mother, who loves dance, singing and music above all, and a simple girl from Nevada – a daughter of an ex-director of a failed theatre. It sounds trite, however this plot, which may definitely be called a music comedy, is filled with full-blooded characters, perverse situations and an enormous amount of dancing and singing.

It all results in the fact that now, 25 years after the world premiere, we may consider the masterpiece of Gershwin brothers (George's brother – Ira is the author of the lyrics to the songs) timeless and one of the most significant musicals in history. That is why, we are pleased to invite you to our Opera where the creators of the show are waiting together with the soloists, the orchestra, the dancers and the actors of Polish musical stages selected in a national casting. Franz Schubert once said: "Happy are those who have music in their hearts and a smile on their lips". Crazy for You was created exactly for this reason, and we are preparing it especially for you!

The show was awarded with the audience award "Amber Ring 2017" in the category "The show of the year" and XII Jan Kiepura Theatre Music Awards for the Best Costumes for Agata Uchman and for Maciej Glaza for the Best dancer in other dance forms for step choreography!


Projekt plakatu: Mariusz Napierała

About the show

George & Ira Gershwin
Crazy for You
Lyrics: George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin
Libretto: Ken Ludwig
Translation: Antoni Marianowicz
The concept of Ken Ludwig and Mike Ockrent based on materials of Guy Bolton and John McGowan, staged for the first time on Broadway by Roger Horchow and Elizabeth Williams
The world premiere: Jul 19, 1992, New York, Broadway, Shubert Theatre
The Polish premiere: Jan 29, 1999, Warsaw, "Roma", Music Theatre
The premiere: Mar 3, 2017, The Opera at the Castle in Szczecin

The owners of the worldwide copyright licence to the music of George and Ira Gershwin included in the show are the Gershwin family. The show CRAZY FOR YOU®, THE CRAZY GERSHWIN MUSIC COMEDY® is staged pursuant to the agreement with TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC. 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York state 10022.

GERSHWIN is a registered trademark and service mark of Gershwin Enterprises.

CRAZY FOR YOU is a registered trademark and service mark of CRAZY FOR YOU Enterprises.


Theatre staff
Direction Jerzy Jan Połoński
Music director Jerzy Wołosiuk
Choreography Jarosław Staniek
Scenography Mariusz Napierała
Costume design Agata Uchman
Choir preparation Małgorzata Bornowska
Assistant Choreographer Katarzyna Zielonka
Step - choreography Maciej Glaza
Animation design Adam Keller
Assistant Conductor Antonina Banaś
Assistant Director Klaudia Kinowska


Polly Baker  Marta Wiejak
Bobby Child Tomasz Bacajewski
Lottie Child  Anna Januszewska
Irene Roth Ewa Olszewska
Bela Zangler    Jerzy Jan Połoński (27.09),
Janusz Lewandowski (28, 29.09)
Tess   Aleksandra Głogowska
Everett Baker    Wiesław Paprzycki
Lank Hawkins Tomasz Łuczak
Patricia Fodor Małgorzata Zgorzelska
Eugene Fodor     Paweł Wolski
Dziewczyny z Rewii Zanglera:  
Patsy  Stéphanie Nabet
Mitzi  Aleksandra Januszak-Kacperska
Sheila  Chiara Belloni
Susie    Nadine De Lumé
Louise  Emma McBeth
Betsy    Martina Vanzetto
Margie     Julia Safin 
Mistrzowie Rytmów Deadrock:  
Mingo  Marcin Scech
Sam     Piotr Urban
Moose Michał Marszałek
Barman Harry    Jarosław Zadon
Jimmy  Dawid Safin
Pete       Paweł Wdówka
Custus    Patryk Kowalski
Billy     Giuseppe Caracappa
Wyatt   Piotr Nowak
Conor        Maciej Glaza
Asystenci Lottie Child  Giuseppe Caracappa, 
Alessandro Imperiali, 
Damiano Maffeis
Pozostali Rena Miyamoto,
Álef Gabriel Carvalho,
So Hadano,
Alessandro Imperiali,
Kazutora Komura,
Damiano Maffeis,
Giulio Refosco,
Ervin Szelepcsényi
Orchestra, choir and ballet of the Opera at the Castle  
Conductor Jerzy Wołosiuk
Stage management Maria Malinowska-Przybyłowicz, Katarzyna Berowska


Flashmob w Galerii Kaskada, 14.02.2017 r.

Zobacz flashmob promujący spektakl Crazy for you, który odbył się 14 lutego 2017 roku w Galerii Kaskada!

Flashmob w Azoty Arena, 21.02.2017 r.

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Właścicielami ogólnoświatowej licencji na prawa autorskie do zawartej w tym przedstawieniu muzyki George'a i Iry Gershwin® jest rodzina Gershwinów. Przedstawienie CRAZY FOR YOU®, SZALONA KOMEDIA MUZYCZNA GERSHWINÓW® jest wystawiane na mocy porozumienia z TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC. 560 Lexington Avenue, Nowy Jork, stan Nowy Jork 10022.

GERSHWIN jest zarejestrowanym znakiem towarowym i usługowym Gershwin Enterprises.
CRAZY FOR YOU jest zarejestrowanym znakiem towarowym i usługowym CRAZY FOR YOU Enterprises.