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Philip Glass

The Trial

A chamber opera in which the Oscar nominee Philip Glass used well the metaphor of human loneliness and weakness from the dark novel by Franz Kafka.
Spektakl odwołany
Spektakl odwołany
ok. 2 hours 30 minutes (including one intermission)
Main hall
Ticket price

40-95 zł

Philip Glass

The Trial

The premiere

19 / 01 / 2019

Joseph K.  –  contemporary to us. Wealthy, educated, achieved professional and social success. And still, something is bothering him. He looks at himself in the reality as if it was a mirror, and the reality hassles him. Mediocre relationships, mediocre people. In this mirror, he for himself also feels mediocre. And there is no way out from this situation. He feels trapped. He feels guilty...

The metaphor of human loneliness and weakness from the dark novel by Franz Kafka was well used in his chamber opera by the famous contemporary composer Philip Glass, an Oscar nominee a Golden Globe winner. The premiere of The Trial took place in Royal Opera House in London in 2014 in co-production with Music Theatre Wales. The libretto was written by a distinguished director and scriptwriter, an Oscar winner, Christopher Hampton. Typical for the music in The Trial is great tension. Philip Glass, thrifty as regards the means of music message, uses repetitions, rhythms increasing the sense of fear and absurd: "I think of my chamber operas as if they were neutron bombs  –  small but with huge fire power".

Projekt plakatu: Lex Drewiński

About the show

Philip Glass
The Trial
A chamber opera in 2 acts
Libretto: Christopher Hampton based on the novel by Franz Kafka.
The world premiere: The Music Theatre Wales, London, Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House, October 10, 2014
The Polish premiere: The Opera at the Castle in Szczecin, January 19, 2019

The original language version with Polish and German subtitles

The performances are based on the materials of Chester Music Ltd. publishing house and with the consent of Dunvagen Music Publishers, Inc.

Theatre staff
Music direction Jerzy Wołosiuk
Direction Pia Partum
Scenography, multimedia, light direction Wojciech Puś
Costume design Wojciech Dziedzic
Stage movement Agnieszka Dmochowska-Sławiec
Assistant conductor Mateusz Rusowicz
Assistant costume designer Emil Wysocki
Józef K Christian Oldenburg
Panna Bürstner | Leni    Anna Farysej
Pani Grubach  Anna Bernacka
Praczka (żona Woźnego sądowego)  Sandra Klara Januszewska
Titorelli | Siepacz | Student (Bertold)  Pavlo Tolstoy
Strażnik 1 (Franz)      Jacek Lech
Block  Marcin Scech
Woźny sądowy | Adwokat Huld    Tomasz Łuczak
Strażnik 2 (Willem) | Sędzia śledczy  Janusz Lewandowski
Ksiądz Grzegorz Pelutis
Inspektor | Wuj Albert Krzysztof Borysiewicz
Asystent    Jarosław Zadon
Dyrektor kancelarii  Dariusz Hibler
Głosy zza sceny Anna Farysej, Anna Bernacka, Marcin Scech, Grzegorz Pelutis
Statyści  Monika Gałczyk-Lewicka, Małgorzata Kieć, Maria Krahel, Kateryna Tsebriy, Kornelia Iwaćkowska, Justyna Zawilińska, Dariusz Hibler, Andrzej Kieć, Jarosław Zadon, Piotr Urban
Orchestra of the Castle Opera  
Stage management  



Wykonania odbywają się z materiałów wydawnictwa Chester Music Ltd. i za zgodą Dunvagen Music Publishers, Inc.